Saturday, January 14, 2006

Welcome to Raven's Cry

Hi! First off I would like to welcome you to my blog. I want to use this first posting to give you an idea about who I am and give you an idea of what to expect in the weeks to come. While this is a class project, I wanted to pick something that would keep my interest going throughout the semester and (hopefully) beyond.

I am a junior in college studying for a B.A. in English. I’ve been a reader for most of my life, a writer for another good portion of that, but always, I’ve been a seeker. I have been a seeker of knowledge both of the world around me and of myself.
In this blog I would like to impart some of the knowledge that I have gained, and continue to gain about my spiritual tradition, Neopaganism.

The spiritual path that I identify as Neopagan, has been referred to under various guises: Witchcraft, Wicca, Paganism, to name a few. Historically, this path has been the scapegoat and victim of hate, fear, bigotry, and misunderstanding.

My goal for this blog is to do my part to dispel these rumors and bring a glimmer of understanding to those who may not be familiar with this beautiful spiritual path. Along the way, I may include other information that resonates with the values held by a good portion of those in the Neopagan tradition.

As a way of getting those who may read this thinking about this area, I would like to direct them to an online quiz from that gives you an idea of which faith you share the most beliefs with (link). My highest results were Neopagan (100%) and Unitarian Universalism (90%).

I would also like to open this up to questions and comments. I am still learning more and more about Neopaganism, and I would like to make sure that the information I provide is as accurate as possible. I would also be interested in trying to help answer questions that I may neglect to answer, and I would be more than open to answering those questions to the best of my ability.

Blessed be!


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