Sunday, January 22, 2006

My Story and Info on the Pentacle

Well, this post has snuck up on me. This week has been so busy with classes and work. But, with this week’s post I wanted to talk a little about what Paganism means to me before going on to explore what others consider Paganism to be. This is important for me because I feel that it is critical for my readers to understand where I come from and what my background is.

For me, magic has always been a part of my life. In childhood, magic was present in the games my sister and I would play outside in the yard and the woods around our house. It has been just recently (within the past 2-3 years) that I have been guided to Paganism as a form of spiritual expression.

I had reached a point in my life where things were just short of hellish. School was stressing me to no end, love was keeping its distance; I was quite disillusioned with my life. One night came where I just fell back onto the bed and just tried to let go of all my stress.

Out of nowhere I felt this warm feeling embrace me, and a voice in my head said “It’s ok now, just calm down, you’ve found what you were looking for.” I noticed a few things about this presence: it was old, knowing, and distinctly feminine. This event sparked in me a new desire to explore this path that before I had only explored half-heartedly.

This past October, for Samhain (Halloween), I was at Walmart looking at the costumes and noticed a Devil kit that included a necklace that had a pentacle (5-pointed star pointed up inscribed within a circle). To those unfamiliar with Paganism, the pentacle represents the 5 elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. Inverted, this then becomes the symbol used by Satanists (representing the goat-headed Baphomet). As a member of the Pagan community, I felt that this error in representation should be remedied.

I sent and email to the customer service department of Walmart and explained the error in the product, and requested that they remove the product from their shelves. Within two weeks I heard back with an email saying that they were happy to do so.
It has always been an aim of mine in life, and with this blog, to do what I can to help reverse the negative image society has of the Pagan community. In a world as networked and connected as the one we live in, we cannot afford to harbor ill feelings towards others based on differences such as religious beliefs, sexuality, politics, etc. We need to work harder to get past these divisions and acknowledge that just because someone doesn’t agree with us, that doesn’t mean that we should wish ill of them or harbor hatred in our hearts.

About the Pentacle
The Witches Pentacle
The Witches Pentacle (Part II)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - I realize that this has become a little passe, but have you read "The DaVinci Code"? If so, what do you think about the interesting links the author draws between Christianity and Paganism?

And yes, I do realize that its a fiction book, haha.

10:01 PM  

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