Chakras and the Gay Community

Everyone is probably familiar with the gay pride flag and the rainbow. A few months ago, I had a rather interesting insight on the implications of the rainbow being associated with the gay community. Granted, this is my speculation, but it is interesting to think about.
This insight was brought on by personal events. I was going through a period where I was questioning my ability to find a decent relationship, what my goals were, and what my beliefs were in general. I cannot remember if it was product of a dream or if it was an image that got stuck in my head during the daily daydreaming I am prone to, but I had a very strong image stuck in my head.
The image was of this wallet that I have. It’s a black wallet with gay pride studs on it. In this image though three of the studs were missing. I had the impression that there was a message in this image for me that I needed to discover. So, I started looking around in my books and online to figure out what it could possibly mean. Then, I stumbled across the chakra system.
What I found out was that the Goddess was trying to tell me what was going wrong in my life that I needed to get back on track. The missing studs were representative of the areas that had been thrown out of balance.
Before I go any further in what I discovered, it would be useful to explain the chakra system.
The chakra system originated in Hinduism and since then has been appropriated by other related eastern traditions and the New Age movement. A chakra is basically an energy center located in the human body, of which there are seven main ones that are generally focused on. Each chakra has certain associations that help determine which one may be acting up if a person experiences inbalance. For an understanding of the individual charkas and their specific qualities, check here.
In short, the Root Chakra (red) governs the most basic impulses of man (survival). The Sacral Chakra (orange) governs emotions, sexuality, and the creative impulse. The Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow) is the seat of the desire to be an individual, energy, and digestion. The Heart/Lung Chakra (green or pink) relates to feelings of love, compassion, devotion to oneself and others, and healing. The Throat Chakra (blue) handles needs of self-expression, communication and speech. The Third Eye Chakra (indigo) has been associated with intuitive impulses and ESP. The Crown Chakra (violet) serves as the individual’s connection to the divine, the seat of consciousness. It is also the master chakra that governs all others.
Chakras and the Gay Community
If you look at the gay pride flag, you’ll notice that the spectrum places red at the top and goes down to purple. I thought about what this could mean, and I looked at what I noticed about the gay community. My experience is that many in the gay community are more interested in sexual fulfillment, material matters and where their next kick is coming from. There is little desire to search for meaning, beauty and spiritual fulfillment. I think that this is reflected in the gay pride flag. By reversing the chakra path and holding the Root as the highest, the baser needs of humanity are given prominence. For most in the gay community, the flag is an unavoidable image seen just about anywhere gays mingle. This visual reinforcement of a sexual/primal driven life cannot be a good thing.
I would think it would be interesting to see if flipping the flag the other way would eventually have an effect on how people act. I did notice that, to a very small degree, when I started to carry my wallet with the purple at the top, things started balancing out for me.
I hope this has struck interest.
I love this thought about the orientation of the rainbow flag in the gay community. Thank you for allowing yourself self-reflection. I just allowed myself the self reflection to come out as gay and I feel so much better. Thankfully I had started studying Buddhism and the Chakras before coming out. This gives me such a fruitful insight moving forward in abundance and grace.
Most abundant wishes to you in all you are and do. Keep thinking, expressing, and SHARING! Your throat Chakra is gaining inertia by getting exercise. :)
My throat Chakra is gaining inertia by posting this!
The chakra system is a tool created for personal, self discovery for the purpose of enlightenment (godhead, christ consciousness, etc.). It is not a
religion or "we-legion" and does not involve any community(gay, korean, hindu, not gay, etc.). Religion is based on "what's good for the gander" mentality, the masses(hence mass) or the congregation and these groups perpetuate that same "we-ligous" motif. Its this mind set that is inherit in the "group" or "community" and it has been branded in humans subconcious based on the Black rights movement(sorry I don't know who Civil is).
The best case scenario of balancing group involvement with spiritual growth is when Siddhartha left his palace, wife, clothes, parents(basically the community), went into the forest by himself and simply went into himself. But then later realized that he can't abscond himself from humanity if he so choose to overcome it(ascend it, see it as an illusion, be in it but not of it, etc.). However, he never joined any groups and tried to stop individuals from worshipping him after they noticed his raised Kundalini (huge open hooded cobra).
Understand that you can only grow as high as the group's agenda allows, if you don't believe me try to say something that is outside(or opposite of the agenda), such as, "If this is all an illusion and we(some more than others) are all innately androgynous beings trying to climb the ladder (or chakra scale) back to our astral androgynous selves and there is no gender only the earthly illusion of separation based on a penis or vagina. Then why the heck are we(us, I, you) expending all this energy in parades, marches, picketing, debates, arguments, etc? Does that benefit ME(YOU) or the group. There is a difference between inspirational ceremony and spiritual systems, you can't follow 2 masters, pick one.
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